Today all the riders are enjoying a well deserved rest day during which some have gone riding and others have opted to enjoy a few local activities. Yesterday’s ride proved to be a real challenge for everyone with more adventure than we had all anticipated!

The day started off well with nice weather and a few scenic stops before we hit the gravel roads. Our ride for the day took us from Southern Iceland to Northern Iceland via the F26. We literally rode in to the heart of Iceland and got as close as possible by road, to the centre of this incredible country!

Motorcycle Riding in Iceland, Ayres Adventures

Iceland is a very geographically diverse country and we got to see it all! Starting from the ocean we saw lava fields, desert, waterfalls, volcanoes, glaciers, lakes and ended the day right on the ocean again! However, it was a test of man and machine to get to enjoy each of these incredible sites! About a third of the way in to the days ride the weather turned on us and we had a bit of rain which helped keep the dust down but that was soon replaced with almost two hours of riding in a snow blizzard! Thankfully it was very light snow and melted as soon as it landed on the ground and did not create any ice. It was however a cold ride as temperatures dropped down to just above freezing! To add to the mix we had some very knarly sections of rocks, gravel and sand, none of which lasted for very long, but long enough to keep everyone on their toes! Added to that, 14 river crossings of various widths and depths, it certainly was a real off road riding adventurous day!

Motorcycle Riding in Iceland, Ayres Adventures

We were greeted with dry weather and blue sky’s at the end of the days ride – although I think everyone was more grateful for warm showers and a cold beer to celebrate their victory of crossing through the centre of Iceland!!!! A great day all round! The day was finished off with a wonderful show by the Aurora Borealis! :)


Motorcycle Riding in Iceland, Ayres Adventures
Motorcycle Riding in Iceland, Ayres Adventures
Motorcycle Riding in Iceland, Ayres Adventures
Motorcycle Riding in Iceland, Ayres Adventures